Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wow! Its easier to get into Heaven than ASU

So another shitty life day. But gotta make dat money to make the honey! I know I know Im so fucking white. I even think the Mexicans have a different name for me. El Blanco lol

So liar election day is here! Vote for your favorite liar.Its part of your job for your country, the same country who says they are "free" but kick people out of it. There is no free anymore. That is a 100 year old saying. Dont listen! Especially in a progressive society who has the technology and psychology to make people what they want to think.
Im patriotic to a sane level. I like my country for the way it is on a constitution based government. But not when people who wear ties make the decisions for me. I wonder where did America go? I think someone swept it under someones fat liberal lips. Sorry AZ this goes for you too. Human Rights is not a right in this state, it just gets you pink under-garments and a ticket to a corrupt neighboring country. Which is what? From Phoenix? 2 hour trip? If that? Who knows maybe the cartels can run the place better than there corrupted government. Have fun this election day. But dont forget to vote. No matter who corrupt people are at least your voice is heard.
Did you know that one of the greatest writers of all time was the biggest drug addict as well. His name was William Shakespeare.
Do you get the feeling that you are no longer needed. No has any feeling for you at your work. I feel that way. So I created the "dont get lonely, have a baby and get married so you can have more money guide"

You dont need any money or anything! Simply look for a crazy girl/guy who has a biological clock ticking louder that Big Ben at noon. That's your first step. Your second step is stick the dick in the pussy and end up have joy and very fun sex (since this will be likely your last time) wait 24 hours to soak. The next morning if the girl is throwing up then you have achieved in making a baby. Third step. Get married. You can get married for hell-a cheap now-a-days. Just simply go to Vegas or just the local court house and fill out some paper work and there ya go! It's easier than getting a car! Or pretty much anything else that requires paperwork. Fourth step. Have baby. Show your friends and family and fellow co-workers, this is very beneficial if you have a woman for a boss. Everyones happy about the future you promised (sic) to your next generation family. Fifth step. Ask for a raise and a new job title. You are now invincible, the world is your hands until you get right above middle age (40+), but dont worry you can use that retirement you been saving since you were younger. Or just steal from your kids because there technically the only ones who can work in fast food. (that if you allow it) The sixth step. Get old and cranky. Yell at those kids! Drive really slow! Drink that prune juice likes its no one's business! Then make a video memorial and present it to all your relatives and family. A team works together not try to see who can "out-do" each other. This is what you are going to corrupt yourself on. You are going to crash and burn all the way to the ground. You a miserable fuck who doesn't believe in working with a team. And if you dont like working with a team then shut the fuck up and complain about it when you are not around them.
I want some fucking nutella. That shit is amazing.

On a side note and for my last part of the blog today. The political races are in gear and guess what the talk of the town is? Its voting for liars. So I say this to you! And you know who you are! You have no idea what a puppet is. You only making me mad to I can fuck up my sentences. You have no idea how the judicial branch of the government works in this state, you never been in it.  You technically dont have any friends at all. The ones that hang out with you only feel bad. I dont feel bad anymore. I cannot be friends with someone who talks shit behind my back, I thought we were on good terms, but I guess we are not. I bid farewell you to my friend and hope that you find someone who really likes you, because it doesnt seem that way for you.


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