Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Sorry I been away from all the people who dont read my blog. Dont worry its ok I still dont like you. I been training for a marathon in January with my good lookin' girl friend. I dont know if I would be more distracted watching the body parts or concentrate running. Who knows.
All the things did sumed up in less than three sentences.
Went to San Diego. Got a new phone. Slapped a dolphin. <- I exaggerated that. I only pet the dolphin.  Then I asked it for a cigarette.
I been keeping up with the banjo. Its harder than shit to tune that thing. But once I get it tuned Im gold. This brings up a interesting story after talking to my friend. Apparently he purchased the new Rock Band (now you know who im talking about) and was explaining how intricate the instruments are in this one. Then he brought up a guitar with like a 120 different buttons. WHY DO YOU NEED THAT MANY BUTTONS. Really? Really? ISNT THAT THE SAME DAMN THING AS A REAL GUITAR? Well then your going to ask " well real guitars are expensive." Un-happy smiley face. No! Shit face! They are not expensive, you can buy a shit guitar and play on it until you learned everything and then upgrade. You dont learn how to drive on a luxury car. Same principle when you learning an instrument. This whole thing is bothering me now. Im going back to play my banjo.
And why in the fucking hell do I keep making plans and they get shit on? Is this a curse that I have? Is this how life is? Really? Well if thats it then I will just move to another state and not know anyone and that way no one ruins my plans, and I dont have to get all pissy ever again. But I guess I would have to deal with the loneliness. So I guess a dog will work. At least they dont ruin my plans and really dont talk at all so I dont have to hear its babbling from its disgusting mouth. "He eats his own shit." you say. Well you put shitty food in your mouth everyday and touch other peoples feces on soda fountains. Dont give me that shit!
I dont like going places I never did like that. Im usually a hermit. But thats what you get when your stuck with a place that you are taking care of. Its pretty much a second job. But when I bring this up, they explain to me that the roommate should do more. YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW I THINK THAT. He does his own share but its too much and I dont like it at all. I wish I lived in a 2 bedroom in a quite apartment that is all gravel or rocks, this way I dont have to listen to people when I want privacy, there are no gardeners mowing and weed-wacking at 2 o'clock in the morning. Single level so I dont have to listen to children running around or people having really loud sex.
Borgismorgi catalatorgi
Well more to come and alot sooner I hope.

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