Monday, August 23, 2010


To start off, I will miss my friend Peter. Peter good luck in New York, I will come and visit when I can, and we will all go together to the NYCC together.

On a another announcement. Happy Birthday Tahko. May your Faygo's come true. :)

So besides being busy as always with everything, I finally decided to sell my current comics and use the money (heh, if I get any) and buy more  golden, age, silver age, bronze age, and key issues. You wonder why Im doing this? Well there are many reasons why. First off, the newer more modern age comics seem to not have strong story lines as its predecessors; Now don't get me wrong there are really good story lines out there, and Deadpool seems to be at the top at the moment, and with Avengers Academy as well.  But other than that everything seemed to have a good story going (Dark Rein, Blackest Night, etc...) But then just dropped like a bowling ball from a tall building. Since we got out of the "Dark Ages" of comics and now into the "Heroic Age" I feel like this is just re-hashed characters who have a new story. More on that in a bit.
Second reason was that the newer comics are not worth anything and not big at all in the market. If you look at the difference between the new stuff and the older stuff there is a huge difference. For instance I tried getting rid of my Cable Vol. 2 and only got 50 cents less than the actual cover price. The only things that helped was the variants. Modern Variants are the only ones that actually have something that will grow in value over time, and that depends on the series.
Third reason, all golden, silver, and bronze age comics are highly sought after. When looking around on ebay and doing some research these comics are more likely to sell, and from what I found out why is well, they don't make them anymore. The art is simple yet catchy, a old world feel. I feel like when I get these comics I wonder who's hands they been in and the stories and history it survived through.  And with classics like Kirby, Lee, Kubert, etc... And you look at these people and how much they had to sacrifice and how much hard work they put in to bring us what we have now.
As for comics I recently got Fantastic Four # 49

I will be adding this baby to my collection. That and a bunch of Silver Age "Flash" 
But some new stuff, with that trade of Cable Vol.2 I was able to get the black and white statue of Catwoman.  Click here for a image, but its a really beautiful and detailed statue. It will sit fine with the other black and white stuff. 
On another note. So my friend Nikki and I went to the Yucca on Friday night. Just to hang out and do something fun, it was great night. Good bands and unfortunately I couldn't drink since I had to take something for my back pains oi! But once we got back to my house and Nikki left, I get a phone call in the morning. Explaining someone took a actual grocery bag and filled it with salsa. Now here is the interesting part. Someone took that bag of salsa and apparently slammed it on top of her car. This is probably the oddest thing I heard for a long time to vandalize someone's property with salsa.... But anyways the idiot who did this wasted more money on his laugh to get back at someone. And that was a lot of salsa. I mean like 7 - 10 dollar gallon jug of salsa in a plastic bag. Man, if your gonna go that pussy way of doing it, why not just pour the salsa all over with a bag? What, you didn't want your hands dirty? Then the jokes on you sir. On you.

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